Tuesday 14 December 2010

Job losses too big to handle

Why does it feel like we are losing more than we are gaining? Probably because it is true. I've just finished my monthly task of writing my column for our TS Today magazine. I am usually inspired at the prospect (seriously!) but this time I was composing my thoughts on the back of the massive funding cuts to the grants to local councils announced by the Government yesterday. The Local Government Association, LGA, are predicting 140,000 job losses.

I fear for so many of my trading standards friends and colleagues, our TSI members. They are all fantastic professionals dedicated to their task but this funding sword is being waved in all directions as it cuts the flesh and bones of council services. TSI is 130 years old next year and our members have always been predominantly employed in local government. The health of the profession is entwined with the health of local authorities. Their sickness is our sickness. I don't blame councils because they have an impossible task in trying to balance priorities. That doesn't mean that I feel like staying in the same emergency ward as them though. There has to be another way if we are to sustain the trading standards profession as we know it and that is where my interest is. Inspiration returning!

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